API Documentation

Send a single message

This method allows you to send a single text message to a cell phone. Any replies made to the number will be sent to the default reply path set up on the username provided.




  • Username - the MercurySend portal username allocated to your account
  • Password - the MercurySend portal password allocated to your account
  • Recipients - the cell phone number the message is to be sent to. The number should include the country code
  • Message – the message text to be sent to the cell phone. Messages longer than 160 characters will be split into multiple messages
  • ReplyType (optional) – how any replies made from the cell phone should be handled. Valid values for this parameter are: EMAIL, HTTPPOST and HTTPGET
  • ReplyPath (optional) – where any replies made from the cell phone should be sent to
    • EMAIL - Email address of where the reply will be emailed to
    • HTTPPOST - URL of where the reply will be sent to. This reply type will do a HTTP POST to the URL
    • HTTPGET - URL of where the reply will be sent to. This reply type will do a HTTP GET to the URL


Any query string parameters provided on the reply path will be included on the reply call. The following placeholders will be replaced by MercurySend if provided:

  • #FROMCELL# - will be replaced with the senders cell phone
  • #TOCELL# - will be replaced with the MercurySend gateway number the recipient sent the reply to
  • #MSG# - will be replaced with the message the recipient replied with
  • #RECVTIME# - will be replaced with the time the MercurySend gateway received the reply

An example of a HTTPPOST/HTTPGET reply path is: http://www.yourdomain.com/Receive.aspx?From=#FROMCELL#&To=#TOCELL#&Message=#MSG#&ReceivedTime=#RECVTIME#

Sample code

string username = "[USERNAME]";
string password = "[PASSWORD]";
string recipients = "[RECIPIENTS]";
string message = "[MESSAGE]";
string replyType = null; // Can be EMAIL, HTTPPOST and HTTPGET
string replyPath = null; // Can be email address for ReplyType = EMAIL, or URL for HTTPPOST/HTTPGET
// For HTTPPOST/HTTPGET replyPath = "http://www.yoururl.com/Receive.aspx?From=#FROMCELL#&To=#TOCELL#&Message=#MSG#&ReceivedTime=#RECVTIME#"
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("Username=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(username));
sb.Append("&Password=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(password));
sb.Append("&Recipients=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(recipients));
sb.Append("&Message=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(message));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replyType))
	sb.Append("&ReplyType=" + replyType);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replyPath))
	sb.Append("&ReplyPath=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(replyPath));
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://api.mercurysend.com/1.0/send?" + sb.ToString());
string jsonResponse = null;
request.Method = "GET";
request.Accept = "application/json";
using (HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
	using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
		jsonResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();


Successful JSON Response
	"Result": {
  • Result.Success - true/false
  • Result.Code - error code associated with a failed transaction
  • MessageIds - array of integers
Failed JSON Response
	"Result": {
		"Description":"Error description",
  • Result.Success - true/false
  • Result.Description - Description of error
  • Result.Code - error code associated with a failed transaction

Result codes

1 - Message lodged OK

Indicates that the message was lodged succesfully

2 - No credits

Indicates that the message failed due to insufficient credits on the account

3 - No daily credits

Indicates that the message failed due to insufficient daily credits remaining on the senders login

4 - Invalid arguments

Indicates that the message failed due to invalid arguments being sent in

5 - Not verified

Indicates that the message failed due to the senders account not yet being verified

6 - Outstanding orders

Indicates that the message failed due to the senders account having outstanding orders